Implement your workplace health & safety requirements with ease
Make your work environment a safe place for everyone
FP Consulting offers a very different and unique approach to Health & Safety
We develop bespoke, site-specific and user-friendly solutions which enable our clients to implement their health & safety requirements with ease. We assist in making your work environment a safe place for you, your employees, customers, contractors and visitors.
Consultancy Services
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments
- Customer Consultancy Retainer Services
- Workplace Ergonomic Assessment
- Writing Safety Statements
- Safety Audits
Management and Staff Training
- Introduction to Health & Safety
- Manual Handling
- Occupational First Aid
- Occupational First Aid Refresher
- Fire Warden training
Health & Safety Checklist
- Did you know that Directors and Managers who ignore Health & Safety may be guilty of neglect?
- Did you know that where a Director, Manager or similar officer of a business where an offence has been committed, may be liable to prosecution under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005? A person who is prosecuted under Section 80 of the Act could be fined up to €3ML and/or sent to prison for up to 2 years?
- Do you understand your legal responsibilities and your role in governing Health & Safety in your Business?
- Do you have a clear understanding of the key Health & Safety issues for your Business?
- Do you keep yourself continually informed of the risks that are likely to arise?
- Do you ensure that Health & Safety risks are managed and controlled appropriately?
- Do you know what the Health & Safety Authority expects from Management?
- Do you have a current, site specific Safety Statement based on hazard identification and risk assessment?
- Do your staff feel valued and protected from a Health & Safety perspective?
- FP Consulting Ltd provides a practical approach to Health & Safety.
We work with you to help you:-
- Comply with Legal and Moral obligations to provide a safe workplace for Staff, Members, Volunteers, Visitors & Contractors.
- Understand your responsibilities as Managers.
- Put in place a practical Health & Safety Management System
- Apply the General Principles of Prevention in all of your activities.
- Identify and implement appropriate training.